Life Lessons of a Throwaway Kid is having a PROFOUND and POSITIVE impact on our youth!!!! Check out some of the testimonials below from teachers, students, and parents. Lives are changing and the message is getting through!!!
"I want you to know that even though we are children, you made more than a dent in how we see life now. I was the student that had the father that hunted and because of you I feel like I could talk to him once more."
10th grade English Student
LC Bird High School
"I wanted to thank you for such an inspirational talk with our girls' softball team at the middle school. My daughter was in that group and she told me you moved her to tears. You truly motivated her. And I thank you for that."
Nottoway Middle School
"I loved the book, and the powerful message it sends will potentially turn kids' lives around."
Teacher, Success Program
Manchester High School
"I personally want to tell you that I appreciate yall's visit to my summer school class and "Life Lessons." I can personally use your life lessons in my own life."
English 10 Student
LC Bird High School
"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Farley for stopping by my school and sharing your background story. I really look up to you and the way you got through those hurtful years. My background story is nothing like yours but I feel like a lot of kids could learn from reading your book because it influenced and inspired me to just put my mind to whatever I like and I could make it in life. From reading your book and listening to you speak I learned to keep a good mindset and don't care what anybody think of you."
English 10 Student
LC Bird High School
"My son got to meet you yesterday at his school and you really made an impression on him. You were all he could talk about. The boy never reads but was reading your book all afternoon. After he put it down I picked it up and started reading it. I myself am not a book reader but I could not put it down, for 4 hours straight that what I did."
Nottoway High School
"Mr. Farley, Thank you so much for coming to talk to us and answering our questions. You have taught me to find something I am passionate about and put my all into it. But before that you have also taught me to find myself first and to educate myself. Sharing your story does inspire people, it inspired me."
English 10 Student
LC Bird High School
"I just wanted you to know about the success I had teaching Life Lessons of a Throwaway Kid to our Success students. We were able to incorporate so many lessons while reading the book. Because it's a true story, so many of our non-readers were engaged in the material, and we couldn't get them to put it down."
English 9 Success Teacher
Thomas Dale High School
"I really relate not really having a connection with my family, but your book has made me work for one. Thanks to you and your book I have tried to better my family life."
English 10 Student
LC Bird High School